Friday, September 30, 2011

V. E-Learning

I remember slightly more than a decade ago, computers were just being added into our schools' education regimes. Before that, teachers were just relying on the white board, and the overhead projector. When computer lab sessions were introduced into the curriculum, everyone looked forward to them.
(image taken from

It makes perfect sense, as using computers and the various softwares aimed at facilitating our learning, was definitely a lot more interesting than mere paper and pen. The usual physical materials that teachers used paled in comparison to the computer softwares; things were less mundane while using computers.

Compare it to how we use computers and the Internet in our education today. It has become so easy for us to gain access to information around the world (web). For superficial understanding, we go to search engines (eg Google), or wiki pages. For academic research in universities, we can access online databases which would direct us to specific journal content.

How has the Internet impacted your learning?

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